C&O Mile 105 - 130: Fort Fredrick & Hancock
C&O Mile 105 - 130: Fort Fredrick & Hancock
C&O Mile 105 - 130: Fort Fredrick & Hancock
C&O Mile 25 - 50: Whites Ferry, Leesburg, & Point of Rocks
This section is more reminiscent of the majority of the towpath; limited development and access, much wildlife and fewer people.
The first major feature in this section is Whites Ferry, the last of 100 ferries that used to operate on the Potomac River. This ferry which began in 1782, connects Whites Ferry Road in Montgomery County, Maryland with a road by the same name in Loudoun County, Virginia. The ferry follows a wire cable to the other side of the Potomac. Whites Ferry has picnic tables, small restaurant, and groceries are available. Nice folks who understand the needs of cyclists.
This section also contains the 438-foot seven arch Monocacy Aqueduct (longest on the Canal). The Monocacy Aqueduct is the largest of the eleven aqueducts erected along the C&O Canal, and is often described by many historians as one of the finest canal features in the United States. The aqueduct survived several attached by the Confederacy during the civil war, but was heavily damaged by hurricane Agnes and other floods during the 1970’s. The C&O Canal National Historic Park and its partners restored the aqueduct to its original appearance in 2004-2005. The aqueduct was formally rededicated in May 2005.
Tags on this page: Whites Ferry, C&O Canal, Bike Packing, Bike Touring, C&O Canal Lodging

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