C&O Mile 105 - 130: Fort Fredrick & Hancock
C&O Mile 105 - 130: Fort Fredrick & Hancock
C&O Mile 105 - 130: Fort Fredrick & Hancock
Write a Guest Blog!
In keeping with the mission of our website of providing information and inspiration along with a sense of "community," I thought it would be beneficial to start accepting guest posts on MidAtlanticBikeTrails.com.
MidAtlanticBikeTrails.com caters to an audience of diverse people who are interested in biking and bike trails (primarily rail-trails) in the states of MD, VA, PA, WV, NC, NY and OH.

​​Submissions should:
100% Original and not published elsewhere. Please note that originality is crucial to our sites ranking and all submissions are run through a plagiarism-checker.
Be well written, clear, interesting and helpful.Submissions do not need to be business- like and in fact, displaying “personality” in submission is often preferred.
Not be overly self promotional. You can include a link to your site.
Include a one to two sentence biography along with author’s head-shot image.
Include original images. Like the content itself, it is imperative that images are original and not downloaded from the internet. If using other photographers original photos, please include their name and email address.
There is no minimum or maximum word count, but the idea blog post would be a minimum of several paragraphs.
We reserve the right to reject contributions.
Guest contributors may not republish their contribution elsewhere.(see #1)
We reserve the right to edit and update contributions.
Do not include affiliate links.
How to submit.
Send your completed blog to Tristatetownplanner@gmail.com. Or, if you prefer, you can email your idea for a blog and we will be happy to send you feedback.
Thank you for your interest, and we are looking forward to seeing your posts!