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GAP Mile 25 - 60: Meyersdale & Rockwood

Tags on this page: Keystone Viaduct, Rockwood, Meyersdale, Bike Packing, Bike Touring, GAP, Lodging

At the Meyersdale trail head, cyclist will want to visit the Train Station for snack, drinks.  The Station also includes a gift shop, railroad artifacts and memorabilia, interpretive displays, a model railroad layouts.  Meyersdale also offers several very nice B&B's that cater to cyclists as well as several restaurants.  Two of our favorites are the restaurant called Morguen Toole Company, and the Levi Deal Bed and Breakfast.   


Less than two miles west of Meyersdale trail head is the Salisbury Viaduct, an impressive 1900-foot bridge over Rt 219 and the Casselman River on the trail to Garrett PA trailhead three miles away.   From Garrett to Rockwood PA cyclist will ride next to the Casselman River through heavily forested area with much mountain laurel evident. 

Rockwood is a great trail town and one that we usually plan on stopping and spending the night on our rides from Cumberland to Pittsburgh.   There are several B&B's including the Rockwood Trail House where we have stayed, a hostel and the very nice and convenient Husky Haven Campground and Guest House run by some very people.  Be sure and stop by the Rockwood Mill Shoppes & Opera House for pizza or a sandwich and Rock City Café for Pizza, wings and beer.  Cyclists who stay in Rockwood are well advised to bring ear plugs as the train tracks run right through town all day and night. 


 The ride from Rockwood west is mostly what one would expect from a rail trail.  Some nice views of the Casselman River and a road crossing or two are the only landmarks until you reach the Pinkerton tunnel. The  849" Pinkerton tunnel built in 1911 was reopened to in 2015.  Prior to reopening, riders had a 1.25 mile single track detour.  .3 of a  mile from the tunnel is the picturesque Pinkerton High Bridge over the Casselman River.  The next seven miles cyclist will cross several more bridges, each scenic in its own right, before entering the town of Confluence. 

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